Imagine a world where kindness and compassion were the cornerstones of our societies; where respect and tolerance were the bywords we lived by; where solutions to our problems were found with transparency and equity.
Life with Kindness Project
To create a kinder, more equitable world, we have to start by looking at ourselves, because healthy people create a healthy world.
Find ways to do things differently
Why ‘Life with Kindness’?
Life with Kindness is championing an ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ ethos as being our healthiest way of living. As such, our work is based on the premise that all our lives have value. The name ‘Life with Kindness’ came about because kindness is to life as oil is to engines. We humans are incredibly inventive creatures, capable of creating great beauty which inspires and connects us to others. However, we’re also capable of acts of great cruelty and destruction, which traumatise and disconnect us. Life with Kindness acknowledges the darker side of human nature and the abhorrent behaviours we can engage in. It recognises that some of our behaviours are completely unacceptable and that even when this is the case, our lives still have value – I may not like your behaviour, but I still value your existence as a human being.
Outdoor Therapy
Guided Mountain Days
Our Team
Sarah King
Nigel Murphy