The ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ Award
is given to:
Susie Laughland
for creating Wirral SOUP
Wirral SOUP is an initiative which holds social events to support projects and ideas which can inspire and engage communities on Wirral. Anyone with an idea which would benefit the local community can apply to pitch for funding. Applicants are shortlisted by a panel, and successful applicants are invited to present their pitch at a Wirral SOUP event. The events are a heart-warming and entertaining mix of people connecting to hear the pitches, discuss who they’re going to vote for and then place their vote, whilst also enjoying music and a bowl of soup! Funding comes from ticket sales and donations from sponsors, and the winning pitch of the night takes the pot.
Susie Laughland is the driving force behind Wirral SOUP and she certainly packs a lot into her days; with a busy job and family life, and a Miniature Poodle stud service (aptly called Canoodle My Poodle), Susie is a force to be reckoned with. We chatted with Susie about what had inspired her to start Wirral Soup. “I had been attending Liverpool SOUP’s for over a year and was so inspired and moved by each event. At the end of an event in March 2022, Louisa (the Chair of Liverpool SOUP) asked if anyone wanted to start a Wirral SOUP! It was like a lightbulb moment for me, I knew I wanted to be involved in starting one up on this side of the water. I emailed Louisa the next day! Louisa is so inspirational and supportive, Wirral SOUP would not have got off the ground without her input and support.”
By May, things had started to happen in earnest. With a great deal of learning and behind the scenes work on Susie’s part, Wirral SOUP’s first event was held at Future Yard in September. The sell-out event was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. We asked Susie what things she’d learnt along the way that particularly stood out for her.
“On a personal level, I found that I can do things I found terrifying, like speaking in front of a room of people!”
“Initially I just wanted to be involved in the social media side of things and help out on the night. I was struggling to find a Chair and the people I had earmarked for this role were already committed to other community things. Someone said to me “You can do this Susie, you are passionate about this, I believe in you!” And it really gave me the push I needed. I started to believe ‘I can do this!’ The first Wirral SOUP event was such a success, I’ll never forget it, it was one of the best nights of my life!”
“It sounds like you’ve got a great deal from bringing the project together Susie and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.”
“Absolutely. Something else that has interested me since, is that it’s like a domino effect; when people come together and are part of something that is helping others, like SOUP, it makes them want to help too. Since the night I have had a few offers to help at the next ones, a new sponsorship offer, and some lovely positive affirmations about what I have achieved. I guess we all like a pat on the back!”
Susie smiles as she says this. She has a warm and calming presence, a quiet self-assurance that puts you at ease.
“It sounds like you’ve been on quite a journey, Susie.”
“A couple of years ago I made some lifestyle changes which gave me a lot of time to think and heal. It took me a while to work out who I actually was! I had been hiding behind a version of myself that wasn’t true to character. After a period of time I felt so much better about myself and life, and I was looking for something to get involved with.”
Susie certainly did get involved with something and having seen her up front at the event, it’s hard to imagine anyone but Susie being the face of Wirral SOUP, she looked like a seasoned pro. “What would you say to someone wanting to start a project, or pitch for an idea they’ve got?”
“Sometimes it’s a good thing to challenge and push yourself; it’s amazing what you can achieve if you’re passionate and care about something. You’ll meet so many like-minded people, people who want to help the community, whether that is someone wanting to sponsor you, or help in some other way. I wanted to be involved in something in the community but was struggling to find something that I really wanted to be a part of. I guess SOUP sort of found me and it has given me so much joy!”
Wirral SOUP’s first event saw Lucky, and her pitch about her family run community cafe (KRL General store and Cafe), crowned the first ever Wirral SOUP winner.
Not one to rest on her laurels, Susie plans to organise another three events next year. Susie’s story is inspiring on both a personal and community level as she shows us what’s possible when we overcome our fears and difficulties and treat ourselves with kindness. In true ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ style, Susie has transformed herself and through this process of growth has been able to go out into the world and create something really beautiful which connects, supports and inspires others in the community. Great work Susie!
You can find out more about Wirral SOUP on Instagram @wirralSOUP, Facebook, and by contacting Susie on Susie@Wirral SOUP.gmail.com.
The ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ Award is intended as a way of raising awareness of the OK Corral, whilst recognising and acknowledging the many good things people are creating in the world. If you have a story about a person, group of people, organisation, concept, policy, system etc which exists in an ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ way, please share it by clicking the nominate button below.