
I’m writing a series of short books, for anyone who wants to create a ‘better’ life for themselves and through this, a ‘better’ world. The books are an invitation for the reader to re-consider the way we see ourselves and the way we live in the world. As such, they’re my attempt to create greater understanding and compassion between us, so that we might create a kinder, more equitable world.

When we consider ourselves as part of the bigger picture of life on Earth, we can appreciate just how amazing all our lives are – that we even exist is nothing short of miraculous. However, as we move through life, it’s easy to lose sight of our intrinsic value. Indeed, whilst we may hold the moral belief that we all have value and worth, we don’t always live in this way. We humans are capable of a wide range of behaviours; just as we’re capable of creating great beauty which inspires and connects us to others, so too are we capable of creating atrocities and annihilation, which traumatise and disconnect us.

The environments we grow in - our families, cultures, societies, countries, even the era we grow in - shape the way we think about ourselves and the different ways we exist in the world. Yet amidst all our differences, we also have many things in common throughout our lives. When we ask ‘what happened to you?’ and ‘what’s happening in your life?’ rather than ‘what’s wrong with you?’ we’re more likely to see ourselves with kindness and compassion. When we look from a place of curiosity and enquiry, rather than one of judgement and blame, we’re better able to understand and empathise with each other. From here, we have a greater capacity to use our personal power in ways which give us more control over our lives and create a ‘better’ world.

Book one: Life Perspectives

‘Life Perspectives’ introduces the ‘OK Corral’ as a simple, yet profound framework, which we can use to understand ourselves and the ways we live in the world. The framework suggests that human beings, in all our diverse ways of existing in the world, share the same four basic ways of seeing the world*. This first book offers pen portraits for each perspective, describing how we see ourselves and others, how we exist in the world and how we solve problems. The descriptions given are a general portrait and readers are encouraged to critique and share theirs; you can read some of mine here. The book looks at factors which cause us to feel ‘not OK’ and offers practical information about ways we can help ourselves feel ‘OK’.

Book two: Perspectives Yesterday

‘Perspectives Yesterday’ sets out to explain how our perspectives form. Beginning with our earliest days (pre-birth), it discusses how our experiences and the environments we’re immersed in shape us, becoming templates for how we make sense of the world. In plain English, it touches on various concepts of child development which are typically only taught in fields of psychological study, yet which are crucial to our understanding of ourselves and our optimal well-being.

Book three: Perspectives Tomorrow

‘Perspectives Tomorrow’ considers how we might use the ‘OK Corral’ to create a ‘better’ world. It discusses how the systems within our societies, indeed our societies themselves, are shaped by our individual perspectives. It considers how we might use the framework to redress some of the imbalances of power within our societies and how we might talk differently about our mental health. It also considers how adopting a ‘we are OK, when they are OK’ stance, which extends to other species of life and Earth itself, would be beneficial to us all.

This third book is currently a very messy work in progress! I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can use this framework to create a ‘better’ world. 

*at least from a Westerner’s perspective.